Results for 'I. Coco Moreno'

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  1.  92
    Cross-recurrence quantification analysis of categorical and continuous time series: an R package.Moreno I. Coco & Rick Dale - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  2. Scan Patterns Predict Sentence Production in the Cross-Modal Processing of Visual Scenes.Moreno I. Coco & Frank Keller - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1204-1223.
    Most everyday tasks involve multiple modalities, which raises the question of how the processing of these modalities is coordinated by the cognitive system. In this paper, we focus on the coordination of visual attention and linguistic processing during speaking. Previous research has shown that objects in a visual scene are fixated before they are mentioned, leading us to hypothesize that the scan pattern of a participant can be used to predict what he or she will say. We test this hypothesis (...)
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    Performance in a Collaborative Search Task: The Role of Feedback and Alignment.Moreno I. Coco, Rick Dale & Frank Keller - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):55-79.
    When people communicate, they coordinate a wide range of linguistic and non-linguistic behaviors. This process of coordination is called alignment, and it is assumed to be fundamental to successful communication. In this paper, we question this assumption and investigate whether disalignment is a more successful strategy in some cases. More specifically, we hypothesize that alignment correlates with task success only when communication is interactive. We present results from a spot-the-difference task in which dyads of interlocutors have to decide whether they (...)
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    Anticipation in Real‐World Scenes: The Role of Visual Context and Visual Memory.Moreno I. Coco, Frank Keller & George L. Malcolm - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):1995-2024.
    The human sentence processor is able to make rapid predictions about upcoming linguistic input. For example, upon hearing the verb eat, anticipatory eye-movements are launched toward edible objects in a visual scene. However, the cognitive mechanisms that underlie anticipation remain to be elucidated in ecologically valid contexts. Previous research has, in fact, mainly used clip-art scenes and object arrays, raising the possibility that anticipatory eye-movements are limited to displays containing a small number of objects in a visually impoverished context. In (...)
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    Attentional coordination in demonstrator-observer dyads facilitates learning and predicts performance in a novel manual task.Murillo Pagnotta, Kevin N. Laland & Moreno I. Coco - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104314.
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    Dialogues, notes, essays, letters and diaries. An analytical proposal regarding the contribution of literature to the society of knowledge.Emanuele Coco - 2009 - Axiomathes 19 (4):401-415.
    The need for European citizens to be more involved in scientific research has emerged from the conclusions of the studies commissioned by the EC and by independent bodies. In the first part of this contribution, I will discuss the question of whether a dialogue between society and science is desirable. I will attempt to claim that at least one of the reasons why the dialogue between science and society should be defended has been underestimated in the course of most of (...)
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    William D. Hamilton’s Brazilian lectures and his unpublished model regarding Wynne-Edwards’s idea of natural selection. With a note on ‘pluralism’ and different philosophical approaches to evolution.Emanuele Coco - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (4).
    In 1975, the English evolutionist William Donald Hamilton held in Brazil a series of lectures entitled “Population genetics and social behaviour”. The unpublished notes of these conferences—written by Hamilton and recently discovered at the British Library—offer an opportunity to reflect on some of the author’s ideas about evolution. The year of the conference is particularly significant, as it took place shortly after the applications of the Price equation with which Hamilton was able to build a model that included several levels (...)
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    The Philosopher Ahead of His Time. Ludwik Fleck and the Complexity of Science.Emanuele Coco - 2020 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 2 (8):177-185.
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    The Birth of Time and Hesiod’s “Emotional Cosmos”. A Multiverse Approach amid Philosophical Instances and Philological Roots. [REVIEW]Emanuele Coco - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 144 (3-4):371-391.
    In his essay From Logos to Mythos, I republished on the twentieth anniversary of its first publication, Most saw in the release of Creuzer’s Symbolik und Mythologie the moment when philology distanced itself from philosophy “refraining strictly from any discussion of what the Greek myths could mean for us, and instead concentrating […] into what the Greek myths could have meant for the Greeks”. This essay analyses the case study offered by the mythological dyad Kronos (Κρόνος) and Chronos (Χρόνος). It (...)
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  10. Diachronic or Counterfactual? Temporal Well-Being and Changing Attitudes.Marina Moreno - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
    In his paper “Wellbeing and Changing Attitudes Across Time”, Krister Bykvist investigates the challenge that changing attitudes pose for attitude-sensitive theories of well-being in determining temporal wellbeing. He offers both a useful tool to investigate the conceptual space of possible answers, namely an attitudinal matrix, as well as a seemingly plausible constraint on such an answer, which he terms ‘diagonalism’. This paper draws on his matrix to provide an argument against diagonalism and offer an error theory regarding its intuitive force. (...)
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    Some conceptual issues in the transition from chemistry to biology.Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 38 (4):1-19.
    The transition from chemistry to biology is an extremely complex issue because of the huge phenomenological differences between the two domains and because this transition has many different aspects and dimensions. In this paper, I will try to analyze how chemical systems have developed a cohesive, self-maintaining and functionally differentiated system that recruits its organization to stay far from equilibrium. This organization cannot exist but in an individualized form, and yet, it unfolds both a diachronic-historical and a synchronic collective dimension. (...)
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  12.  38
    Some Reflections on the Evolution of Conscious Agents: The Relevance of body Plans.Alvaro Moreno - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):35-43.
    The aim of this commentary article is to discuss several problems in the distribution map for conscious organisms and suggest a different strategy to address their evolutionary development. I propose to complement the model of Unlimited Associative Learning (UAL) that Jablonka and Ginsburg present in their Target Article with the additional consideration of how body plans constrain the possibilities of evolution of the brain— in some cases blocking, in some others enabling its complexification and corporal integration. In my view, the (...)
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  13.  13
    The body politic: the battle over science in America.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2011 - New York: Bellevue Literary Press.
    In her foreword to Science Next, Elizabeth Edwards wrote of science as a tool for social progress: "Innovation is not simply the abstract victory of knowledge [or] the research that gave me years to live; the next science can advance human flourishing and serve the common good. That's the kind of world I want to leave for my children, and for yours." With these words, she joined a tradition that goes back to America's founders, who saw America itself as a (...)
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  14.  36
    IRBs under the microscope.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (3):329-337.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IRBs Under the MicroscopeJonathan D. Moreno (bio)The spring and summer of 1998 were seasons in the sun for institutional review board (IRB) aficionados. Rarely have the arcana of the local human subjects review panels been treated to so much attention in both the executive and the legislative branches of government, not only at the federal but also at the state level. And it looks as if the attention (...)
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  15.  33
    The Reference of Natural Kind Terms.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 53:35-39.
    This paper aims to propose a version of the description theory of reference –for short, descriptivism– on natural kind terms. This version is grounded on some proposals of descriptivists, such as Searle and Strawson, about proper names, which will be extended to natural kind terms. According to Searle and Strawson the reference of a proper name is determined by a sufficient number of the descriptions that speakers associate with the name, but among the sorts of descriptions admitted by these authors (...)
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  16. Importancia de la implantación de un departamento de marketing dentro de una empresa no lucrativa. Caso: Hombre Nuevo.Lorena Cuadra Moreno, Dulce I. González Torres, Karla L. Hinojosa Aguilar & Marvin Moctezuma - 2005 - Episteme 1 (4).
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  17. The last 25, 000 years of vegetation and climate history in NW Patagonia.Patricio I. Moreno - forthcoming - Laguna.
  18. Cuestiones filosóficas. Ensayos en honor de Eduardo Rabossi.Luis Fernández Moreno & Diana I. Pérez - 2010 - Critica 42 (125):114-119.
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  19. The (Im)possibility of Prudence: Population Ethics for Person-Stages.Marina Moreno - manuscript
    This paper develops a largely neglected parallel between prudence and population ethics. Prudence is generally understood to be concerned with the balancing of well-being over time. How, precisely, well-being ought to be balanced over time, however, is a fervently debated question. I argue that developing a standard guiding such evaluations is exceedingly challenging. This is due to an often overlooked fact about prudence, namely that it shares a structural similarity with population ethics: In both contexts, we assess the comparative value (...)
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  20.  24
    Entre la “actualidad”, la filosofía “venidera” y el “origen”: ribetes críticos en las filosofías de Walter Benjamin y Theodor Adorno.María Rita Moreno - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:307-335.
    In this article I analyze the connection between the concepts of “actuality”, “upcoming” and “origin” found in the early reflections of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno to expose some of the defining borders of the transposition of criticisms made by both philosophers. Through the identification of “actuality” as a reflection on the conditions in which philosophy is legitimate, “upcoming” as a requisite for self-justification of philosophical knowledge, and “origin” as the claim of the historically unfinished, I show in what (...)
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  21.  16
    Finality and Intelligibility in Biological Evolution.Antonio Moreno - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):1-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:FINALITY AND INTELLIGIBILITY IN BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION ANTONIO MORENO, O.P. Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, California I N SCIENCE AND philosophy the final cause has always..,been controversial. To biologists the problem is complicated, but many believe that it is impossible fo give a complete description of the phenomenon of life without taking into oonsideration the teleological aspect of it. Thus Rensch: A special feature of all living organisms is the (...)
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  22.  12
    Notes on Psychodramatic Treatment of a Person with Schizophrenia.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3):225-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes on Psychodramatic Treatment of a Person with SchizophreniaJonathan D. Moreno, PhD (bio)I have enjoyed reflecting on Mr. Chapy’s account of work in psychodrama with a patient with schizophrenia.Although at one time many years ago I was interested in phenomenological psychiatry, and especially the writings of Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss, I am not an authority on dasein-analysis, so I have nothing to add to the discussion. I (...)
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  23.  12
    The Feasibility of Using Guided Self-Help in Anorexia Nervosa: An Analysis of Drop-Out From the Study Protocol and Intervention Adherence.Valentina Cardi, Gaia Albano, Laura Salerno, Gianluca Lo Coco, Suman Ambwani, Ulrike Schmidt, Pamela Macdonald & Janet Treasure - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The implementation of online technologies to promote wellbeing is increasingly becoming a worldwide priority. This study includes secondary analyses of data and examined drop-out rates in an online guided self-help intervention for patients with anorexia nervosa. Specifically, rates of drop-out at end of treatment (i.e. six-week assessment), as well as intervention adherence (minimum of four of six online guided sessions) and differences between completers and drop-outs were examined. Motivation to change and associated patient variables were assessed as predictors of drop-out (...)
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  24.  57
    Consensus, contracts, and committees.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (4):393-408.
    Following a brief account of the puzzle that ethics committees present for the Western Philosophical tradition, I will examine the possibility that social contract theory can contribute to a philosophical account of these committees. Passing through classical as well as contemporary theories, particularly Rawls' recent constructivist approach, I will argue that social contract theory places severe constraints on the authority that may legitimately be granted to ethics committees. This, I conclude, speaks more about the suitability of the theory to this (...)
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  25.  54
    Reflection on natural kinds. Introduction to the special issue on natural kinds: language, science, and metaphysics.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):2853-2862.
    This article is an introduction to the Synthese Special Issue, Natural Kinds: Language, Science, and Metaphysics. The issue includes new contributions to some of the main questions involved in the present philosophical debates on natural kinds and on natural kind terms. Those debates are relevant to philosophy of language, philosophy of science, and metaphysics. In philosophy of language it is highly debated what the meaning of natural kind terms is, how their reference is determined, as well as whether there are (...)
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  26.  39
    Call me doctor? Confessions of a hospital philosopher.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1991 - Journal of Medical Humanities 12 (4):183-196.
    Accustomed as many of us have become in the era of clinical bioethics to the idea of a “hospital philosopher”, on reflection the historical novelty of the role is astonishing, as are its ambiguities. As a result of considering my own experience I found myself writing this miniature intellectual autobiography. In the course of this essay I raise two specific questions: what can the Western philosophical tradition contribute to the clinical setting; and (a question that is rarely asked), what are (...)
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  27. Reflexions entorn la ciencia i la cultura en un món globalizat.Evelio Moreno Chumillas & Marta Olivé - 2005 - Astrolabio 1:155.
    El Fórum 2004 acogió la XX edición del Congreso Público Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), que contó con la participación de destacados miembros de la comunidad científica i de instituciones públicas y privadas relevantes en el ámbito de la ciencia a nivel internacional. La reflexión propia del congreso PCST, que se centró en cómo hacer llegar, comunicar a la ciudadanía los objetivos, tendencias y resultados de la investigación científica actual, se incorporó a un diálogo más amplio, que tenía por (...)
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    Karl Popper i la rehabilitació de la teoria de la veritat com a correspondència.Luis Fernández Moreno - 1996 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 25:91-106.
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    Edith Stein en compañía: vidas filosóficas entrecruzadas de María Zambrano, Hannah Arendt y Simone Weil.Jesús Moreno Sanz - 2014 - Madrid: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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  30. Unamuno o człowieku. Natura i kultura w życiu tragicznym.Luis Jimenez Moreno - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5.
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    Mistyczna miłość platoniczna według Leonego Ebreo i Eliasa Canettiego.Jadwiga Clea Moreno-Szypowska - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):140-150.
    Jehuda ben Isaak Abrabanel, znany jako Leone Ebreo, XVI-wieczny sefardyjski intelektualista, definiuje tytułowe pojęcie w swoim dziele _Dialogi o miłości_ (_Dialoghi d’amore)_. Ten traktat filozoficzny z neoplatońskimi podtekstami, łączący wszystko, co wcześniejsi myśliciele napisali o tym szlachetnym uczuciu, był niezwykle popularny i stał się wzorem dla współczesnych mu pisarzy. Został przetłumaczony na język hiszpański przez Inkę Garcilaso de la Vega, a Miguel de Cervantes wspomina o nim w prologu do pierwszej części _Don Kichota_, sugerując, że opisana w nim miłość (...)
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    Mistyczna miłość platoniczna według Leonego Ebreo i Eliasa Canettiego.Jadwiga Clea Moreno-Szypowska - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):209-230.
    Jehuda ben Isaak Abrabanel, znany jako Leone Ebreo, XVI-wieczny sefardyjski intelektualista, definiuje tytułowe pojęcie w swoim dziele _Dialogi o miłości_ (_Dialoghi d’amore)_. Ten traktat filozoficzny z neoplatońskimi podtekstami, łączący wszystko, co wcześniejsi myśliciele napisali o tym szlachetnym uczuciu, był niezwykle popularny i stał się wzorem dla współczesnych mu pisarzy. Został przetłumaczony na język hiszpański przez Inkę Garcilaso de la Vega, a Miguel de Cervantes wspomina o nim w prologu do pierwszej części _Don Kichota_, sugerując, że opisana w nim miłość (...)
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    To Engage or Not to Engage: An Interpreter and a Mother's Need for Connection in the Cardiothoracic Unit.Rosa C. Moreno - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):7-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:To Engage or Not to Engage:An Interpreter and a Mother's Need for Connection in the Cardiothoracic UnitRosa C. MorenoFive minutes into my shift, I arrived at my assigned area for the day, the cardiothoracic intensive care unit. Soon after, I received a phone call from the charge nurse that my interpreting services were being requested—words that set the tone for what would be a busy day. I took my (...)
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  34. Tres teorías de la referencia liñgüística : Locke, Kripke y Putnam.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2013 - In David Pérez Chico, Perspectivas en la filosofía del lenguaje. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
  35.  89
    Making Sense of Consensus: Responses to Engelhardt, Hester, Kuczewski, Trotter, and Zoloth.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):61-64.
    It has been a pleasure to read these papers and to contemplate their importance for what I believe to be a useful and provocative prism though which to view the field of bioethics: the nature of moral consensus. In my own most extended contribution to this literature, DecidingTogether, I did not attempt to prescribe so much as to understand the role of moral consensus in the practice of bioethics. At the end of the book, I expressed the hope that it (...)
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  36. (1 other version)¿Es la referencia deI término “agua” immutable?Luis Fernandez Moreno - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (3):493-509.
    Algunas de las objeciones más importantes contra la tesis de la incommensurabilidad, especialmente en su versión referencial se basan en la teoría causal de la referencia y, en particular, en la teoría de la referencia de Putnam acerca de los términos de género natural: de estl teoría se sigue que la referencia de los términos de género natural no se ve modificada por cambios en nuestras teorías. En este articulo examino la teoria de la referencia de Putnam y arguyo que (...)
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    La Actitud Virtual.César Moreno - 2004 - Phainomenon 8 (1):97-117.
    In this paper, I intend to show the right concern of phenomenology (specially of husserlian type) in the exploration of the textures of consciousness that explain themselves in the noetic-noematic structure of the phenomenological-transcendentally reduced world (within inverted commas). Therefore, the undoubtfulness of “immanent perception” takes, for instance, great importance in the virtual realm, as long as, in that realm, consciousness opens itself more radically to the intentional “otherness” than to what natural attitude calls “reality”. Nevertheless, although phenomenology is able (...)
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  38.  24
    The Woman and Her Obscure Versions.Celenis Rodríguez Moreno & Alejandro Montelongo González - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):566-581.
    The objective of this article is to analyze the production of the subject Woman by reviewing some practices, discourses, and technologies promoted by the state, the church, and elites. It is important to emphasize that in most research about women or femininity, female subjectivity appears tightly linked to sexual difference. However, in this work I want to show that the notion of Woman is co-determined by race and class. The experience characteristic of such representation was possible only for a small (...)
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    Arquitectura, experiencia e imagen. Explorando el camino de Bergson.Beatriz García Moreno - 1997 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 15:9-19.
    El Contextualismo ofrece una novedosa forma de acercamiento a la obra arquitectónica, dado que la pone en relación íntima con el "habitar" humano. Ello le exige al intérprete poner de presente no sólo la contingencia e historicidad de la obra, sino también las relaciones que ésta establece con el entorno. Para mostrar la peculiaridad de esta propuesta -que se vale de tipologías visuales y táctiles-, la autora la compara, en primer lugar, con aquellos métodos que se valen solamente de parámetros (...)
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    Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar, a medio camino entre el exilio interior y exterior.Juan Padilla Moreno - 2003 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 20:321-336.
    Pinhas Sadeh was considered as an unorthodox writer as regards his environment, the “State Culture” in Israel. In the first part of this paper I present the biography of the author and his most representative work, Life as a parable, published in 1958, as well as his romantic and frankist roots and his leaning towards Christianity according to the Gospel. In the second part a mythical analysis of this work is made according to the inner journey of hero, through which (...)
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    How Frequently do Allegations of Scientific Misconduct Occur in Ecology and Evolution, and What Happens Afterwards?Gregorio Moreno-Rueda - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):93-96.
    Scientific misconduct obstructs the advance of knowledge in science. Its impact in some disciplines is still poorly known, as is the frequency in which it is detected. Here, I examine how frequently editors of ecology and evolution journals detect scientist misconduct. On average, editors managed 0.114 allegations of misconduct per year. Editors considered 6 of 14 allegations (42.9%) to be true, but only in 2 cases were the authors declared guilty, the remaining being dropped for lack of proof. The annual (...)
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    History, Morals, and Medicine.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (1):60-73.
    When asked why he turned from philosophy to the history of ideas, Isaiah Berlin said that he was worried that if he stayed in philosophy he wouldn't know any more at the end of his life than he had at the beginning. Mark Lilla makes the point in a somewhat more constructive way: "His [Berlin's] instinct told him that you learn more about an idea as an idea when you know something about its genesis and understand why certain people found (...)
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    Language and metaphysics: the case of theoretical identities.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2017 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 3):831-848.
    Kripke holds the thesis that identity statements containing natural kind terms are if true, necessarily true; these statements can be denominated theoretical identities. Kripke alleges that the necessity of theoretical identities grounds on the linguistic feature that natural kind terms are rigid designators. Nevertheless, I argue that the conception of natural kind terms as rigid designators, in one of their most natural views, hinders the establishment of the truth of theoretical identities and thus of their necessity. However, in Kripke’s works (...)
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    Marsilius of Padua's forgotten discourse.Gerson Moreno-Riaño - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (3):441-460.
    Marsilius of Padua's political thought continues to be the subject of much debate and scholarship. Recent work has called into question the tendency of much Marsilian scholarship to over-rely on Discourse I of Defensor pacis as the primary source of the Paduan's political principles at the expense of the longer Discourse II. In spite of this observation, most Marsilian scholarship continues to demonstrate a propensity toward ignoring the final and third Discourse of Defensor pacis. Scholarship has largely forgotten the third (...)
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    Representación ficcional del Otro en el espacio/tiempo del pasado nacional. Novela Histórica Tradicional versus Nueva Novela Histórica.Juan Moreno Blanco - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 24:124-135.
    Este trabajo tematiza el contraste entre la Novela Histórica Tradicional y la Nueva Novela Histórica en el contexto colombiano de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en cuanto a la representación del pasado nacional y, en particular, en cuanto al lugar del Otro en el tiempo/espacio de ese pasado. Se postula que los escritores colombianos de la Nueva Novela Histórica, al tematizar la presencia del Otro culturalmente diferente al sujeto de la élite republicana, son un antecedente cultural de la Constitución (...)
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    Reference theories and the relevance of descriptions.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (4):74-85.
    Mario Gómez-Torrente is a fundamental contribution to the issue of reference and especially of reference fixing. In this article I will focus on some questions addressed in it, especially on the relationships between some components of Kripke’s, Putnam’s and Gómez-Torrente’s theories of reference fixing as well as on the relevance of descriptions for those theories; I will then make some observations about Gómez-Torrente’s view of the reference-fixing conventions.
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    Spanish inflectional morphology in DATR.Antonio Moreno-Sandoval & José Miguel Goñi-Menoyo - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (1):79-105.
    This paper shows a full description of Spanish inflectional morphology. We have chosen a paradigmatic approach instead of one based on phonological/spelling changes, i.e., the typical two-level model. Such morphological description has been written in the DATR formalism. The result is a network of nodes that makes use of the information inheritance mechanisms – orthogonal node inheritance and default path inheritance – that DATR allows. Some lexical coverage and corpus occurrence figures that support our approach are also given.
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    Análisis de las transiciones juveniles desde la perspectiva de género: entre la influencia del ciclo vital y el cambio generacional.Sara Moreno Colom - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 16:111-138.
    El artículo presenta una aproximación a la transición educativa, laboral, domiciliar y familiar de las personas jóvenes desde la perspectiva de género. El objetivo es analizar hasta qué punto la mejora del nivel educativo introduce transformaciones en el carácter tradicionalmente sexuado de las transiciones hacia la vida adulta. El análisis parte del conjunto de factores estructurales que pueden condicionar las transiciones juveniles, si bien atribuye una influencia central a la etapa del ciclo vital. A partir de los datos de la (...)
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    Eidos y periferia. Rutina y trascendencia in extremis en el horizonte de una humanidad proteica e híbrida.César Moreno Márquez - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 12:23-52.
    Las interpretaciones ascética y vitalista del eidos son incapaces de pensar a fondo su relevancia fenomenológica. Siempre parece que se valora más su perímetro y cerco, al servicio de la clausura y la consolidación de la unidad, que la diversidad intraeidética, infinita o empíricamente abierta. Más allá de lo típico, las rutinas y asentamientos mundanos, la diversidad intraeidética es críticamente eficaz sobre todo en la periferia, al tiempo que propicia la flexibilidad y dilatación interior de cada eidos. Esta problemática es (...)
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  50. National security, brain imaging, and privacy.Jonathan D. Moreno & Sonya Prashar - 2012 - In Sarah Richmond, Geraint Rees & Sarah J. L. Edwards, I know what you're thinking: brain imaging and mental privacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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